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Stripe is a powerful tool for processing payments, it provides an efficient method for generating revenue from your clients. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you integrate Stripe with Mixpost Enterprise and get started with processing payments:

1. Sign up for a Stripe Account

If you haven't already, head to Stripe's website and sign up for an account.

2. Access the Stripe Dashboard

Once you've registered, log in to your Stripe account and access the Dashboard. This will be your primary interface for managing payments.

3. Get Your API Keys

From the Dashboard:

  • Go to the “Developers” section.
  • Click on "API Keys".
  • You'll see two keys: a Publishable Key and a Secret Key. You'll need both for integration.

Note: Always keep your Secret Key confidential.



4. Integrate API Keys into Mixpost Enterprise

Once you have your API keys:

  1. Open the Enterprise Console from the user menu.
  2. Navigate to Settings ->
  3. Click on Stripe
  4. Choose "Enabled" radio input
  5. Input your Publishable Key and Secret Key.
  6. Save



5. Set Up Webhooks

Webhooks allow Stripe to communicate with Mixpost Enterprise when certain events happen (e.g., a successful payment, subscription changes, etc.).

  1. In your Stripe Dashboard, navigate to the "Developers" section.
  2. Click on "Webhooks".
  3. Here, you'll see the "+ Add endpoint" button. Click on it.
  4. Input Endpoint URL "".
  5. Select "Listen to" to "Events on your account".
  6. Select "Version" to "Latest API version (2023-08-16)".
  7. Select the events the following events:
    • customer.subscription.created
    • customer.subscription.updated
    • customer.subscription.deleted
    • customer.updated
    • customer.deleted
    • invoice.payment_succeeded
    • payment_method.automatically_updated
  8. Click "Add endpoint" button



After adding the endpoint, you should copy the signing secret into the Mixpost Enterprise Console:

  1. In your Stripe Dashboard, navigate to the "Developers" section.
  2. Click on "Webhooks".
  3. Click on added Webhook.
  4. Here, you'll see the "Signing secret" section and "Reveal" button, click on it.
  5. Copy the "Signing secret"


  1. Open the Enterprise Console from the user menu.
  2. Navigate to Settings ->
  3. Click on Stripe
  4. Input your Signing secret in "Webhook Signing secret"
  5. Save


6. Add pricing plans

We are adding all the necessary pricing plans in both Stripe and Mixpost Enterprise.

  1. In your Stripe Dashboard, navigate to the "Products" section.
  2. Here, you'll see the “+ Add product” button. Click on it.
  3. Give a plan name, for example: "Starter"
  4. Scroll down to the "Price information" section
  5. Select the "Standard pricing" model.
  6. Input the plan price, for example: "$9.00"
  7. Select "Recurring"
  8. Select "Billing period". Mixpost only accepts Monthly or Yearly billing periods.
  9. If you are planning to sell your plan Monthly and Yearly, you can add another price, by clicking on the "+ Add another price" button.
  10. Save product







After the product has been created in your Stripe dashboard. You should copy the API ID of each product price to your created plans in the Mixpost Dashboard. See the instructions.

Here is how you can get the API ID for each product price:


7. Test the Integration

  1. Try to register a user and subscribe to a plan.
  2. Use Stripe's test card numbers to make sure the subscription is done correctly.

8. Go Live

Once you're confident in the integration:

  1. Switch from using Stripe's test mode to live mode.
  2. Ensure you've added any necessary pricing plans in both Stripe and your Mixpost Enterprise console.
  3. Start onboarding users and generating revenue!

Here is how you can switch to Live:
