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Installation - As a standalone app

If you don't know Laravel, but have basic PHP knowledge and know how to deploy to a server, you can follow these instructions.

You can create a new Laravel application with Mixpost preinstalled using Composer. 

Getting a license

In order to install Mixpost, you'll need to get a license first.

Creating the application

You can create the application with Mixpost pre-installed using this command

composer create-project inovector/MixpostProTeamApp

During the execution of this command, Composer will ask for a user and a password. The user is the email address of your account. The password is the key to your Mixpost license.

Configure the app URL

You will need to modify the value of the APP_URL in the .env file to your project URL.

For example: APP_URL=

Configure the database

You will need to modify the values of the DB_* entries in the .env file to make sure they are aligned with your database.

Then, run the migration to create all tables.

php artisan migrate

Configure Mixpost Package

This step is not mandatory.

If you have experience and want to explore more, you can publish the Mixpost config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=mixpost-config

Open the config file: config/mixpost.php

Server configuration (Manual)

Server configuration Guide

Visit the UI

After performing all these steps, you should be able to visit the Mixpost UI at /mixpost.

Deploying to production

Caching Configuration

When deploying to production, you should make sure that you run the config:cache command during your deployment process:

php artisan config:cache

Once the configuration has been cached, everything you change in the .env file will have no effect. To have an effect, you must repeat the execution of the cache command.

Caching Routes

To improve Mixpost application performance, run:

php artisan route:cache

Once the route has been cached, you have to repeat it every time you deploy/update/upgrade the Mixpost application.